Some Lenders We Work With
We have close to 100 lenders ready to work with you to close the deal
Find Out How Much You Can Borrow
You may also elect to get pre-approved for a loan which requires verification of your income, credit, assets and liabilities. It is recommended that you get pre-approved before you start looking for your new house so you:
- Look for properties within your range.
- Be in a better position when negotiating with the seller (seller knows your loan is already approved).
- Close your loan quicker
“Ven Sunkara has lots of local knowledge and he is very customer focus and guided me very well to close my home as per my requirements. He has lots of patience, always on time to follow up with other parties and get the resolution done in a decent amount of time which helped to speed up the entire process.”
First-time home buyer.
Let’s Make Things Happen
Mortgage rates change daily and vary depending on your unique situation. Get your FREE customized quote here.
“Helping one person may not change the whole world, but it could change the whole world for that one person”.